Install The Hdf5 Library

CMake links HDF5 into your C, C++, or Fortran program with just two lines in CMakeLists.txt.If experiencing trouble finding HDF5 with CMake, try ourFindHDF5.cmake,which is more up to date than the FindHDF5.cmake included with CMake.An example CMake for writing network data to HDF5 in C:CMakeLists.txt.

Windows Subsystem for Linux users should ensure “/etc/wsl.conf” includes the following to avoid linking native Windows HDF5 from WSL:

We show an example for C and another example for Fortran.“HL” refers to the high-level HDF5 interface that is more convenient and thus commonly used.

Install hdf5 library

Headers are 1.10.4, library is 1.10.5 SUMMARY OF THE HDF5 CONFIGURATION General Information: - HDF5 Version: 1.10.5 Configured on: 2019-03-04 Configured by: Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64 Host system: Windows-10.0.17763 Uname information: Windows Byte sex: little-endian Installation point: C:/Program Files/HDF5 Compiling Options: - Build Mode: Debugging Symbols: Asserts: Profiling: Optimization Level: Linking Options: - Libraries: Statically Linked Executables: OFF LDFLAGS. Hdf5r is an R interface to the HDF5 library. It is implemented using R6 classes based on the HDF5-C-API.The package supports all data-types as specified by HDF5 (including references) and provides many convenience functions yet also an extensive selection of the native HDF5.

Note: if terminal has the Conda environment loaded and you keep getting the Conda HDF5 library, do first:

Install Hdf5 Library Ubuntu

before running the CMake configure commadn.

HDF5 C example

Install Hdf5 Library


The HDF5 syntax is quite similar (and simpler) for Fortran.See the hdf5 directory ofFortran 2018 examplesfor more.

HDF5 compiler macros


As an alternative (or companion to) CMake, one can use compiler macros for HDF5.HDF group provides compiler macroh5cclinking the needed HDF5 libraries upon installing libhdf5-dev:

Install The Hdf5 Library

Install Hdf5 Library Linux

  • h5cc: C
  • h5c++: C++
  • h5fc: Fortran