Xlsx Reader

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Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet application used for creating, organizing, analyzing, and saving data in tables and has widespread use in many different applications. R is statistical data analysis language and data is its core. So to bridge the gap between Excel sheets and R language, R has implemented functions that we can use to write and manipulate Excel files.

XLSX Viewer Free is a free tool that allows users to view XLS files without having the Microsoft Excel program installed on their PCs. It is worth noting that with this program you can only open and print XLS files. Creating and editing files is not possible. Alternative spelling: RecoveryToolboxForExcelInstall1.0.exe. Xlsx Reader free download - Foxit Reader, ZIP Reader, PDF Reader for Windows 7, and many more programs. ‎XLSX Reader application allows you to open Microsoft Excel (.xlsx files) to view workbooks even Microsoft Excel is not installed on your system. Application is capable to maintain formatting like- bold, italic, fonts, size, colors, hyperlinks, etc. You can scroll to view the different parts of a wo. Download Free XLSX Viewer for Windows now from Softonic: 100% safe and virus free. More than 3928 downloads this month. Download Free XLSX Viewer late.

In this tutorial, we will see how to read excel files in R using the read.xlsx() function. There are lots of third-party packages available that you can use to work with excel sheets like xlsx package, openxlsx, XLConnect, and gdata. For this example, we will use the openxlsx package which provides the read.xlsx() function.

To read the data from an Excel file in R, use the read.xlsx() function.

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The read.xlsx() is a built-in R function that reads the data from an Excel file or Workbook object into a data.frame.

xlsxFile: It is an xlsx file or URL to xlsx file.
sheet: It is the name or index of the sheet to read the data from.
startRow: It is the first row to begin looking for data. If it starts with empty rows, then the rows at the top of a file are always skipped, despite the value of the startRow.
colNames: If it is TRUE, the first row of data will be used as column names.
rowNames: If it is TRUE, the first column of data will be used as row names.
detectDates: If it is TRUE, attempt to understand dates and perform the conversion.
skipEmptyRows: If it is TRUE, then empty rows are skipped; otherwise, empty rows after the first row containing data will return a row of NAs(Not Available).
skipEmptyCols: If it is TRUE, empty columns are skipped.
rows: It is a numeric vector defining which rows in the Excel file to read. If NULL, all rows are read.
cols: It is a numeric vector defining which columns in the Excel file to read. If NULL, all columns are read.
check.names: It is a logical argument. If TRUE, then the names of the variables in the data frame are checked to ensure that they are syntactically valid variable names.Xlsx reader free download
sep.names: It is a character that substitutes blanks in column names. By default, “.”
namedRegion: It is a named region in the Workbook. If not NULL startRow, rows and cols parameters are ignored.
na.strings: It is a character vector of strings that are to be interpreted as NA. Blank cells will be returned as NA.
fillMergedCells: If it is TRUE, the value in a merged cell is given to all cells within the merge.

To work with excel files in R, you need to have a demo excel file which contains some sample data.

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For this example, I am using the demo_data.xlsxfile.Xlsx

To use the read.xlsx() function in R, install the openxlsx package from the package manager. If you are working on RStudio, then that package must be installed with your preinstallation; otherwise, you need to download it.

To import the openxlsx package in R, use the following code.

Now, you can use the read.xlsx() function and pass the external excel file path to read the file in xlsx format.

So your code looks like the following.

After running the above code, if you face the following error,

could not find function read.xlsx in r that means the package is not installed in your machine. To solve this error, you need to install the openxlsx package.

You can also face the following error.

Error in loadWorkbook(file, password = password) : argument “file” is missing, with no default Calls: read.xlsx -> loadWorkbook -> file.exists -> path.expand Execution haltedXlsx Reader

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If you face this kind of error, then maybe it is a problem with your installation of the openxlsx package. To solve this error, you need to reinstall the openxlsx package with a new R session.

Now, let’s see the output of the above code.There are lots of arguments you can pass to the function according to your requirements.

Xlsx Reader

That is it for read.xlsx() function in R.

read.csv() function in R

write.csv() function in R

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Source: R/read_excel.R

Read xls and xlsx files

read_excel() calls excel_format() to determine if path is xls or xlsx,based on the file extension and the file itself, in that order. Useread_xls() and read_xlsx() directly if you know better and want toprevent such guessing.

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Path to the xls/xlsx file.


Sheet to read. Either a string (the name of a sheet), or aninteger (the position of the sheet). Ignored if the sheet is specified viarange. If neither argument specifies the sheet, defaults to the firstsheet.


A cell range to read from, as described in cell-specification.Includes typical Excel ranges like 'B3:D87', possibly including the sheetname like 'Budget!B2:G14', and more. Interpreted strictly, even if therange forces the inclusion of leading or trailing empty rows or columns.Takes precedence over skip, n_max and sheet.


TRUE to use the first row as column names, FALSE to getdefault names, or a character vector giving a name for each column. If userprovides col_types as a vector, col_names can have one entry percolumn, i.e. have the same length as col_types, or one entry perunskipped column.


Either NULL to guess all from the spreadsheet or acharacter vector containing one entry per column from these options:'skip', 'guess', 'logical', 'numeric', 'date', 'text' or 'list'. If exactlyone col_type is specified, it will be recycled. The content of a cell ina skipped column is never read and that column will not appear in the dataframe output. A list cell loads a column as a list of length 1 vectors,which are typed using the type guessing logic from col_types = NULL, buton a cell-by-cell basis.


Character vector of strings to interpret as missing values. Bydefault, readxl treats blank cells as missing data.


Should leading and trailing whitespace be trimmed?


Minimum number of rows to skip before reading anything, be itcolumn names or data. Leading empty rows are automatically skipped, so thisis a lower bound. Ignored if range is given.


Maximum number of data rows to read. Trailing empty rows areautomatically skipped, so this is an upper bound on the number of rows inthe returned tibble. Ignored if range is given.


Maximum number of data rows to use for guessing columntypes.


Display a progress spinner? By default, the spinner appearsonly in an interactive session, outside the context of knitting a document,and when the call is likely to run for several seconds or more. Seereadxl_progress() for more details.


Handling of column names. By default, readxl ensurescolumn names are not empty and are unique. If the tibble package version isrecent enough, there is full support for .name_repair as documented intibble::tibble(). If an older version of tibble is present, readxl fallsback to name repair in the style of tibble v1.4.2.

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A tibble

See also

cell-specification for more details on targetting cells with therange argument
